Why Should My Tech Firm Work With Smoothstack?

Prashanth Ramakrishnan
Why Should My Tech Firm Work With Smoothstack?

You’re always trying to find the best talent for your business. Maybe you execute your search solely through online job postings filtered through your human resources department, or maybe you prefer working with a recruiter. If you’re lacking the qualified candidates you need for your tech firm, consider working with a train-and-place company like Smoothstack.

Benefits of Train-and-Place Companies

Regular staffing agencies focus on looking through a pool of talent and matching the best for their clients. At a train-and-place business, high-potential candidates are brought in for specific training programs and certifications.

Not only are these a benefit to you as an employer, they’re also great opportunities for the candidates themselves. It can remove some of the anxiety associated with the post-graduation job search as they’re provided pay and housing while in the program.

A train-and-place company has numerous benefits for employees and job seekers, but you want to make sure you select the right one for your tech business.

Working With Smoothstack

At Smoothstack, we’re dedicated to becoming a leading service provider in IT talent management. We do this through our train-and-place programming as well as our ability to partner with you and anticipate all your needs.

When you receive a new employee from us, you’re getting fresh talent with the equivalent of two years’ working experience. You’ll see higher retention rates as you can engage them from the beginning in their first real job. Instead of spending time in the hiring process, you can trust your talent and keep costs lower.

Specifically, you’ll get new hires trained in AWS, Cloud, application development, IT, SDET, DevOps, mobile development, UI, Java, Java AWS, Java DevOps, and Java Full Stack.

Make the Easy Choice Today

Smoothstack breaks through traditional staffing models with our dedication to providing a talented and sustainable workforce. We keep our pipeline full of diverse IT professionals who’ve trained with subject matter experts in their field and placed in situations intended to mirror incidents that can occur on the job. When you hire our talent, you’re getting better employees. Contact the experts at Smoothstack today!

Let’s Build Your Team

Connect with the Smoothstack team to learn how to close your digital skills gap with a custom-trained team.