What the Heck Do I Do With My Computer Science Degree Now?

Prashanth Ramakrishnan
What the Heck Do I Do With My Computer Science Degree Now?

It seems like relief should finally set in once you’ve completed your computer science degree. All the homework and assignments are behind you and the rest of your life is ahead. What you imagined to be a stress-free period of relief turns into a time of more, unanticipated anxiety. Now you have to ask the question – what the heck do I do now?

It’s not like computer science is an especially limiting field. Unlike majoring in Medieval Literature, you can take your degree in a number of directions. While this is a pro, it can actually be a con. With so many options, how can you choose? Even if you apply to positions within several fields, rejection after rejection may plague you and leave you wondering if this is the right career for you.

Join Smoothstack!

We get the pressure of graduating and trying to find employment. Instead of letting post-graduation life get the best of you, enroll in Smoothstack’s 12-week training program. Smoothstack’s collaborative program equates to 1-2 years of on-the-job IT experience!

Our method is simple. We develop partnerships with students, service members, universities and Fortune 100 employers that allow us to deliver top talent. Once our high-potential students and veterans complete the program, and we help find them a job with one of our clients based on the identified needs.

How it works

Instead of losing money while waiting for a job, Smoothstack offers paid training for 12 weeks. While in the program, you’ll have housing provided while being paid to hone your skills. Even better, you’ll have a competitive advantage when you complete your program.

Our goal is to help you reach the career you’ve dreamed about. We build your skills and prepare you for your career, giving you the best foundation and chance of success. Certain programs even provide certifications that are great for building both your resume and your credentials.

Boost Your Tech Career Today!

Smoothstack is a unique tech talent incubator designed to help recent graduates and veterans reach their potential. We love supplying our clients with the talent we know they need to close the gap in their workforce. Contact Smoothstack today and start preparing for your future.

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