The Top Tech Trends You Should Be Able to Talk About in an Interview

Walking into an interview and being asked a question about a tech trend you’re unaware of is the content of nightmares. In one moment, it takes you from being perceived as a qualified applicant to someone who isn’t serious about the profession. You can try to talk your way through a response, but it’s likely the damage is done.
In any industry, you have to be aware of current and growing trends, in case the subject is brought up in the interview. Employers want to know how you would apply it to their business, so you need to be in the know to provide an intelligent answer. Nowhere is this truer than in the IT field, where trends move at a breakneck pace. If you’re gearing up for an interview, brush up on this list of the top trending tech initiatives to make the right impression:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI has gone from a science-fiction dream to an evolving reality. More than 40 percent of organizations have started incorporating AI solutions into their products, services and their internal workflows. When talking about AI in an interview, it’s important to focus on narrow AI, the process used for understanding languages and driving cars.
AI in Applications
Beyond just piloting cars is the idea AI can make apps smarter. A major implication is the data that can be uncovered about users through AI. Additionally, there’s the idea of an AI-driven application to stand between systems and people, and provide a virtual resource.
AI in Basically Everything
An ‘intelligent thing’ is basically a normal object with the addition of AI. It takes a regular device and allows it took work smarter, like a vacuum that moves itself or autonomous vehicles for farming.
Digital Twins
A digital twin takes a real-world system or object and creates a digital representative. Basically, this is effective for asset management right now, but has potential for aiding in operational efficiency and the improvement of products. You can probably guess, but it’s assumed AI-technology will increase the value of digital twins, as well.
Always Stay Educated
These are just a few of the top trends for you to know about and apply in interview situations. Staying aware of technology innovation is crucial for the success of your career. If you want to further your knowledge and skills, and experience both technical and cultural real-world preparation, it’s time to consider Smoothstack’s 12-week immersive program.
Smoothstack is a technology talent incubator that kick starts IT careers and builds communities of recent graduates, military veterans, universities, and companies that are transforming the IT hiring landscape. Our program cultivates individuals with the capacity and motivation to excel in fast-paced, agile environments. Contact Smoothstack today to learn more.
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