11 IT Terms and Why They’ll Be Important to Your Professional Career

Prashanth Ramakrishnan
11 IT Terms and Why They’ll Be Important to Your Professional Career

Learning the language of your desired occupation is one of the most important steps toward pursuing a career in that field. Knowing the specific terms, what they mean, and how they factor into the work can give you an edge when it comes to interviewing for a position. If you’re looking to start your career in information technology, here are eleven IT terms you need to know.

1. Big Data

Big data is a phrase that describes exactly what it is – a lot of information. It encompasses the use, growth, and accessibility from several different outlets, including search and social media. It’s a little harder to track but failing to consider it can leave you behind on the important innovations.

2. Cloud Computing

Essentially, the cloud is an online space where everything can communicate, whether it’s your services, platforms or products. With the ability to host everything online, understanding cloud computing and how it works can help you support your company in the shift.

3. Cross-Platform

When a new software is needed, knowing if it’s cross-platform is an important option to consider. As the name suggests, cross-platform means software that is compatible across different devices and operating systems. You want to pick the software you know will work on several pieces of equipment.

4. Content Management

Content management combines everything you need to manage your information and share at your discretion. Most companies need a good content management system and understanding how they work is invaluable in IT.

5. Customer Relationship Management

Like content management, this is the one-stop shop for all your customer information with the goal of building relationships.

6. Disaster Recovery

When something goes wrong, you have a plan. No matter what the specific issue is, whether viral or physical, you have a way of fixing everything.

7. Green Technology

Taking care of the world isn’t limited to recycling. There are sources of technology, like solar cells, that are environmentally friendly and beneficial. Being able to implement these kinds of things at your company can reduce your carbon footprint and be more appealing because of your efforts.

8. IT Governance

While required by law, IT governance helps measure the effectiveness of IT and showcase the importance of what the department does.

9. Disruptive Technology

When a new technology emerges on the scene that displaces a long-standing or traditional means, it’s known as disruptive. With tech constantly evolving, you want to make sure you’re in tune to disruptive technology.

10. Crowdsourcing

When you need help on a project, crowdsourcing is an excellent way to invite experts from other fields to assist, making your life easier.

11. BYOD, or Bring Your Own Devices

Some organizations allow employees to use their personal devices with full IT support. There are benefits, but as the IT professional, you need to be aware of how to keep all the company’s information safe and protected.

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