What Computer Science Skills Absolutely Have to Be Listed On My Resume?

Prashanth Ramakrishnan
What Computer Science Skills Absolutely Have to Be Listed On My Resume?

Your resume is an employer’s first introduction to who you are as a professional, and it is critical to hit all the right notes. Failure to list the right skills or knowledge base can ultimately cost you the job, but many tech pros get so caught up proofreading for spelling, readability and grammar, that they overlook easy-to-miss data points. Every job will have unique requirements, but there are some critical computer science skills that employers will almost always want to see.

Just what are those skills? Recently an artificial intelligence software from HiringSolved reviewed more than 10,000 social media accounts to determine which tech skills were most likely to boost your career. To get hired or promoted, focus on the following top five.

1. Python

Originally introduced in 1991, Python is an older program that hasn’t lost its relevance in today’s technological age. It’s a core language and mainstay for data science and the development of web applications on the back-end.

2. Java

Java is frequently used because of its ability to be developed once and run across multiple platforms, meaning it’s less work without compromising quality. Notably, it serves as the software used to develop most of the Android applications. Additionally, developers use it for the back-end of sites, server-side businesses, and e-commerce.

3. Cloud-Based Programs

It seems like everything is in some sort of virtual cloud these days, meaning it’s essential for computer science professionals to understand how to create and adjust applications for the cloud, specifically. One of the major differences is the ability of these programs to be completed promptly and easily scaled.

4. Linux

When looking at the top 100 websites, it’s important to notice Linux is the foundation of the back-end for most of them. Programmers and engineers who prefer open source gravitate toward this operating system.

5. JavaScript

While not as well-known as Java or Python, this platform sees more lines of its code written every day. JavaScript is a computer programming language that developers use in the creation of interactive effects online.

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